44% of Mintop users were dropping out within 90 days of starting treatment.
Shedding during the treatment phase was frightening the user off the medication.
MINtalks - A social media platform that will give voice to the user’s story, and will support them emotionally during the treatment.
Middle Phase - An awareness and education campaign deployed over multiple touchpoints that will mentally prepare the user for the shedding phase.
Growth Tracker - A mobile application that will provide real-time guidance to users during daily Mintop application.
Baldness and thinning hair usually lead to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence. So users tend to be extremely sceptical about cures. Mintop, Dr. Reddy’s minoxidil-based solution and foam, is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness and thinning hair in women. There was only one problem: a side-effect of the medication was an increase in hair-loss or shedding during the middle phase. This led to people abandoning the treatment midway.
Our team of researchers and designers set out to discover insights about the Mintop user. We used these insights to generate concepts that would educate them about the medicine, change perceptions about the different stages of treatment, and alter expectations of what the journey to success looks like.
We conducted a week-long deep dive into the mental models and behaviour patterns of Mintop users. Understanding and mapping biases to their actions helped us discover core insights about why users were dropping off midway through the treatment.
Our goal was to generate ideas that would help us talk to the user before, during and after the shedding phase. We wanted to keep them motivated and educate them about the treatment so shedding would not catch them by surprise or be seen as a failure. Keeping the user needs at the core of the ideation process helped us shortlist ideas that would be feasible and unique.
An awareness and educational campaign across multiple touchpoints to help users understand how the medication works.
The Middle Phase campaign will change their perception of shedding by initiating conversations during critical stages of their treatment journey. Messages crafted from the insights discovered during research will help users see shedding as a sign that the treatment is working.
A mobile-based platform that updates and tracks the user’s treatment journey in real time.
Growth Tracker will help users apply Mintop properly, keep track of progress and prepare them for hair loss during the shedding phase.
For one week, Mintop users, doctors and pharmacists took our prototypes out for a run in the real world. It gave us valuable insights into what worked, what needed to be reworked and what needed to be discarded.